
This document reproduces the rehabilitation center catchment basin example using services that require API keys. It is therefore a more advanced example that requires some setup by the user, specifically creating and installing access tokens and API keys, as discussed below.

The document has been created using the author’s keys and access tokens to produce screenshots and fetch some data and all code is included. However no keys are distributed with the document. Users will therefore need to obtain their own keys in order to experiment with the interactive options provided by mapdeck and the various Google services.

The googleway library provides access to Google Maps API, both for creating maps, and using the mapping services such as geocoding, direction and route finding, and searching for places.

The mapdeck library allows you to plot large amounts of data on a Mapbox map through the javascript library developed by Uber.

To use any of Google Map’s services you will need an API key, and to plot a Mapbox map you will need an access token

Replace “GOOGLE_MAP_KEY”, “GOOGLE_API_KEY”, “MAPBOX_TOKEN” with the respective tokens. The tokens are long collections of random characters and numbers and the should be surrounded by quotes.

set_key( "GOOGLE_MAP_KEY", api = "map") ## for Google Maps
set_key( "GOOGLE_API_KEY")  ## for other Google services
set_token( "MAPBOX_TOKEN" )

In this section we are calculating the times and distances to the rehab centres from random addresses using Google’s API (using the googleway library), and plotting the maps using the mapdeck library.

The random address list, demographic data, and calculations used to determine case load per rehab centre are taken from section 11 of the Rehab Catchment Basement section.


The geocoding API will take as input an address, or search term, and return various pieces of information. For example, here we are querying the API for the three rehab centre addresses.

rehab_addresses <- c(
  DandenongHospital = "Dandenong Hospital, Dandenong VIC 3175, Australia",
  CaseyHospital = "62-70 Kangan Dr, Berwick VIC 3806, Australia",
  KingstonHospital = "The Kingston Centre, Heatherton VIC 3202, Australia"

RehabLocations <- lapply(rehab_addresses, googleway::google_geocode)

From the results we can extract various pieces of information, such as the formatted address, the type of place, and the coordinates.

lapply( RehabLocations, googleway::geocode_address )
## $DandenongHospital
## [1] "135 David St, Dandenong VIC 3175, Australia"
## $CaseyHospital
## [1] "62-70 Kangan Dr, Berwick VIC 3806, Australia"
## $KingstonHospital
## [1] "400 Warrigal Rd, Cheltenham VIC 3192, Australia"
lapply( RehabLocations, googleway::geocode_address_components )
## $DandenongHospital
##                long_name        short_name
## 1                    135               135
## 2           David Street          David St
## 3              Dandenong         Dandenong
## 4 Greater Dandenong City Greater Dandenong
## 5               Victoria               VIC
## 6              Australia                AU
## 7                   3175              3175
##                                    types
## 1                          street_number
## 2                                  route
## 3                    locality, political
## 4 administrative_area_level_2, political
## 5 administrative_area_level_1, political
## 6                     country, political
## 7                            postal_code
## $CaseyHospital
##      long_name short_name                                  types
## 1        62-70      62-70                          street_number
## 2 Kangan Drive  Kangan Dr                                  route
## 3      Berwick    Berwick                    locality, political
## 4   Casey City      Casey administrative_area_level_2, political
## 5     Victoria        VIC administrative_area_level_1, political
## 6    Australia         AU                     country, political
## 7         3806       3806                            postal_code
## $KingstonHospital
##       long_name  short_name                                  types
## 1           400         400                          street_number
## 2 Warrigal Road Warrigal Rd                                  route
## 3    Cheltenham  Cheltenham                    locality, political
## 4 Kingston City    Kingston administrative_area_level_2, political
## 5      Victoria         VIC administrative_area_level_1, political
## 6     Australia          AU                     country, political
## 7          3192        3192                            postal_code
lapply( RehabLocations, googleway::geocode_coordinates )
## $DandenongHospital
##         lat      lng
## 1 -37.97636 145.2186
## $CaseyHospital
##         lat      lng
## 1 -38.04526 145.3458
## $KingstonHospital
##         lat      lng
## 1 -37.95475 145.0767

Estimate of travel time

We have 56,000 random addresses, and 3 rehab centres. This makes 168,000 direction queries.

Google charges 0.005 USD per query, but gives you $200 credit each month.

Therefore, we get 40,000 queries credited per month.

To stay within limits, and have enough spare, I’m going to sample 50 of those random addresses per postcode, and query the API for the directions from those addresses to each rehab centres.

The first step is to format the results of the geocoding into an easily usable structure

## formatting the geocoded rehab centres into a data.frame
lst <- lapply( RehabLocations, function(x) {
  coords <- googleway::geocode_coordinates(x)
    formatted_address = googleway::geocode_address( x ),
    lat = coords[["lat"]],
    lon = coords[["lng"]]

df_rehab <-, lst)

knitr::kable( df_rehab )
formatted_address lat lon
DandenongHospital 135 David St, Dandenong VIC 3175, Australia -37.97636 145.2186
CaseyHospital 62-70 Kangan Dr, Berwick VIC 3806, Australia -38.04526 145.3458
KingstonHospital 400 Warrigal Rd, Cheltenham VIC 3192, Australia -37.95475 145.0767

To find the directions we need to query one route at a time. We can do this in an lapply.

As this takes a while we are saving the results of each query to file at each iteration. Each result is in JSON, so we are saving the raw JSON.

# ## TODO - get randomaddresses from RehabCatchment
# ## need coordinates for googleway
df_random <- randomaddresses )
df_random[, c("lon", "lat")] <- sf::st_coordinates( randomaddresses )

df_sample <- df_random %>%
  dplyr::group_by(POSTCODE) %>%
  dplyr::sample_n(size = 50)

df_sample$sample_row <- 1:nrow(df_sample)

saveRDS(df_sample, here::here("data/googleway/directions_queries/df_sample2.rds"))

res1 <- lapply(1:nrow(df_sample), function(x) {
  js <- googleway::google_directions(
    origin = as.numeric( df_sample[x, c("lat", "lon")] )
    , destination = as.numeric( df_rehab[1, c("lat","lon")] )
    , simplify = F
  js <- paste0(js, collapse = "")
  js <- gsub(" ","",js)
  fn <- here::here(paste0("data/googleway/directions_queries/rehab1_sample/",x,"_results.json"))
  f <- file(fn)
  writeLines(js, f)
  return( js )

res2 <- lapply(1:nrow(df_sample), function(x) {
  js <- googleway::google_directions(
    origin = as.numeric( df_sample[x, c("lat", "lon")] )
    , destination = as.numeric( df_rehab[2, c("lat","lon")] )
    , simplify = F
  js <- paste0(js, collapse = "")
  js <- gsub(" ","",js)
  fn <- here::here(paste0("data/googleway/directions_queries/rehab2_sample/",x,"_results.json")
  f <- file(fn)
  writeLines(js, f)
  return( js )

res3 <- lapply(1:nrow(df_sample), function(x) {
  js <- googleway::google_directions(
    origin = as.numeric( df_sample[x, c("lat", "lon")] )
    , destination = as.numeric( df_rehab[3, c("lat","lon")] )
    , simplify = F
    js <- paste0(js, collapse = "")
  js <- gsub(" ","",js)
  fn <- here::here(paste0("data/googleway/directions_queries/rehab3_sample/",x,"_results.json"))
  f <- file(fn)
  writeLines(js, f)
  return( js )

Now we have all the results of the directions query saved we can read them back into the R session.

The route geometry returned from the API comes in the form of an encoded polyline.

substr( googleway::direction_polyline( directions1[[1]][["result"]] ), 1, 100 )
## [1] "~fbfFuxftZnBq[~Bk`@l@kKkY_DmH{@wN{AeI}@WFg@Ky@O}Dg@]Eq@IgAEw@IgAGg@@aA@b@yBx@sDr@{Bb@iAd@y@r@[~@aBt@"

We can convert this back into coordinates using the googlePolylines library, for example

pl <- googleway::direction_polyline( directions1[[1]][["result"]] )

head( googlePolylines::decode( pl )[[1]] )
##         lat      lon
## 1 -37.86368 145.0383
## 2 -37.86424 145.0429
## 3 -37.86488 145.0483
## 4 -37.86511 145.0502
## 5 -37.86089 145.0510
## 6 -37.85938 145.0513

However, googleway and mapdeck both support plotting these polylines directly, so we can avoid this step and just use the polylines. We also get the distance and time on the routes in the API query results.

is_valid <- function( direction ) {
  direction[["result"]][["status"]] == "OK"

get_distance <- function(x) {
    is_valid( x )
    , googleway::direction_legs(x[["result"]])[["distance"]][["value"]]
    , NA_real_
get_duration <- function(x) {
    is_valid( x )
    , googleway::direction_legs(x[["result"]])[["duration"]][["value"]]
    , NA_real_

get_polyline <- function(x) {
    is_valid( x )
    , googleway::direction_polyline( x[["result"]] )
    , NA_character_

format_directions <- function( d, df_sample ) {
  secs <- sapply( d, get_duration )
  dist <- sapply( d, get_distance )
  sample_row <- sapply( d, function(x) x[["sample_row"]] )
  street <- df_sample[ sample_row, ]$STREET_NAME
  postcode <- df_sample[ sample_row, ]$POSTCODE
  polylines <- sapply( d, get_polyline )
    id = sample_row
    , street = street
    , POSTCODE = postcode    ## capitalised because we join on it later
    , polyline = polylines
    , distance_m = dist
    , duration_s = secs
    , duration_m = round( secs / 60, 2 )
    , stringsAsFactors = FALSE

df_directions1 <- format_directions( directions1, df_sample )
## Warning: Detecting old grouped_df format, replacing `vars` attribute by
## `groups`
df_directions2 <- format_directions( directions2, df_sample )
df_directions3 <- format_directions( directions3, df_sample )

The is_valid() function is used to test the result of the API query. Sometimes the API will return an “ACCESS_DENIED” or “OVER_QUERY_LIMIT” response if it wasn’t able to return any data.

Now we have three data.frames, each containing the directions, distance, times and route for 2,800 random addresses to the rehab centres.

  style = mapdeck_style("light")
  , location = c(145, -37.9)
  , zoom = 10
) %>%
    data = df_rehab[1, ]
    , lon = "lon", lat = "lat"
    , radius = 500
    , update_view = F
  ) %>%
    data = df_directions1[ ! df_directions1$polyline ), ]
    , polyline = "polyline"
    , stroke_colour = "duration_m"
    , stroke_opacity = 100
    , stroke_width = 35
    , legend = T
    , legend_options = list( title = "Duration (minutes) ")
    , update_view = F
    , palette = "plasma"
  style = mapdeck_style("light")
  , location = c(145, -37.9)
  , zoom = 10
) %>%
    data = df_rehab[2, ]
    , lon = "lon", lat = "lat"
    , radius = 500
    , update_view = F
  ) %>%
    data = df_directions2[ ! df_directions2$polyline ), ]
    , polyline = "polyline"
    , stroke_colour = "duration_m"
    , stroke_opacity = 100
    , stroke_width = 35
    , legend = T
    , legend_options = list( title = "Duration (minutes) ")
    , update_view = F
    , palette = "plasma"
  style = mapdeck_style("light")
  , location = c(145, -37.9)
  , zoom = 10
) %>%
    data = df_rehab[3, ]
    , lon = "lon", lat = "lat"
    , radius = 500
    , update_view = F
  ) %>%
    data = df_directions3[ ! df_directions3$polyline ), ]
    , polyline = "polyline"
    , stroke_colour = "duration_m"
    , stroke_opacity = 100
    , stroke_width = 35
    , legend = T
    , legend_options = list( title = "Duration (minutes) ")
    , update_view = F
    , palette = "plasma"
  style = mapdeck_style("light")
  , location = c(145, -37.9)
  , zoom = 10
) %>%
    data = df_rehab
    , lon = "lon", lat = "lat"
    , radius = 500
    , update_view = F
  ) %>%
    data = df_directions1[ ! df_directions1$polyline ), ]
    , polyline = "polyline"
    , stroke_colour = "duration_m"
    , stroke_opacity = 100
    , stroke_width = 35
    , legend = T
    , legend_options = list( title = "Duration to Dandenong (mins) ")
    , update_view = F
    , palette = "plasma"
    , layer_id = "rehab1"
  ) %>%
    data = df_directions2[ ! df_directions2$polyline ), ]
    , polyline = "polyline"
    , stroke_colour = "duration_m"
    , stroke_opacity = 100
    , stroke_width = 35
    , legend = T
    , legend_options = list( title = "Duration to Casey (mins) ")
    , update_view = F
    , palette = "plasma"
    , layer_id = "rehab2"
  ) %>%
    data = df_directions3[ ! df_directions3$polyline ), ]
    , polyline = "polyline"
    , stroke_colour = "duration_m"
    , stroke_opacity = 100
    , stroke_width = 35
    , legend = T
    , legend_options = list( title = "Duration to Kingston (mins) ")
    , update_view = F
    , palette = "plasma"
    , layer_id = "rehab3e"

We can extract the step-by-step guide, including times and locations, to get the ‘time to destination’ for each step.

ttd <- googleway::direction_steps( directions1[[1]][["result"]] )
total_time <- get_duration( directions1[[1]] )

## calculate time remaining at every step
ttd_duration <- ttd$duration
ttd_duration$total_time <- cumsum( ttd_duration$value )
ttd_duration$time_remaining <- total_time - ttd_duration$total_time

## get the coordinates for every step
ttd_duration <- cbind( ttd$start_location, ttd_duration )
##         lat      lng   text value total_time time_remaining
## 1 -37.86368 145.0383  2mins   118        118           1401
## 2 -37.86511 145.0502  4mins   211        329           1190
## 3 -37.85174 145.0526 13mins   801       1130            389
## 4 -37.95693 145.2215   1min    23       1153            366
## 5 -37.95783 145.2251   1min    15       1168            351
## 6 -37.95770 145.2258  3mins   171       1339            180
## 7 -37.97437 145.2229   1min    72       1411            108
## 8 -37.97366 145.2167   1min    27       1438             81
## 9 -37.97547 145.2163   1min    81       1519              0

Doing this for each of the 8,400 directions gives us the time to the rehab centres for many points on the route, not just the origin.

time_to_destination <- function( direction ) {
  ttd <- googleway::direction_steps( direction[["result"]] )
  total_time <- get_duration( direction )

  ## calculate time remaining at every step
  ttd_duration <- ttd$duration
  ttd_duration$total_time <- cumsum( ttd_duration$value )
  ttd_duration$time_remaining <- total_time - ttd_duration$total_time
  ## get the coordinates for every step
  ttd_duration <- cbind( ttd$start_location, ttd_duration )
  ttd_duration$sample_row <- direction[["sample_row"]]

  if( inherits( ttd_duration, "data.frame" ) > 0 ) {
    ttd_duration$sample_row_pt <- 1:nrow( ttd_duration )

lst_times <- lapply( directions1, time_to_destination )
df_times1 <-, lst_times)
df_times1$rehab <- row.names(df_rehab[1, ])

lst_times <- lapply( directions2, time_to_destination )
df_times2 <-, lst_times)
df_times2$rehab <- row.names(df_rehab[2, ])

lst_times <- lapply( directions3, time_to_destination )
df_times3 <-, lst_times)
df_times3$rehab <- row.names(df_rehab[3, ])

This now gives us 77,337 random addresses to each of the three rehab centres.

This plot shows the average times to 135 David St, Dandenong VIC 3175, Australia for 25779 addresses. The height and colour of hexagons represent the average time to the rehab centre.

mapdeck() %>%
    data = df_times1
    , lon = "lng", lat = "lat"
    , elevation = "time_remaining"
    , elevation_function = "average"
    , colour = "time_remaining"
    , colour_function = "average"
    , elevation_scale = 10
    , radius = 250
    , colour_range = colourvalues::colour_values(1:6, palette = "plasma")
    , layer_id = "times1"


While the Directions API gives us a lot of information, it only handles one direction at a time. If you want more (quantity and frequency), but less detailed results, you can query the distance API.

In this example we are querying the distances for the first ten random addresses.

distance_matrix <- googleway::google_distance(
  origin = df_sample[1:10, c("lat", "lon")]
  , destination = googleway::geocode_address( RehabLocations[[1]] )
## $destination_addresses
## [1] "135 David St, Dandenong VIC 3175, Australia"
## $origin_addresses
##  [1] "4A Carnarvon Rd, Caulfield North VIC 3161, Australia"
##  [2] "375 State Route 22, Caulfield VIC 3162, Australia"   
##  [3] "12 Oak Grove, Malvern East VIC 3145, Australia"      
##  [4] "47 Hawthorn Rd, Caulfield North VIC 3161, Australia" 
##  [5] "68 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield North VIC 3161, Australia"
##  [6] "4 Oulton St, Caulfield North VIC 3161, Australia"    
##  [7] "93 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield North VIC 3161, Australia"
##  [8] "55 Wanda Rd, Caulfield North VIC 3161, Australia"    
##  [9] "679 Inkerman Rd, Caulfield North VIC 3161, Australia"
## [10] "11 Bond St, Caulfield North VIC 3145, Australia"     
## $rows
##                             elements
## 1  24.1 km, 24114, 27 mins, 1640, OK
## 2  24.7 km, 24686, 29 mins, 1764, OK
## 3  21.2 km, 21155, 22 mins, 1336, OK
## 4  24.6 km, 24635, 28 mins, 1702, OK
## 5  25.8 km, 25787, 31 mins, 1879, OK
## 6  24.6 km, 24555, 31 mins, 1844, OK
## 7  25.5 km, 25482, 31 mins, 1847, OK
## 8  25.0 km, 24963, 30 mins, 1771, OK
## 9  24.2 km, 24167, 28 mins, 1692, OK
## 10 22.9 km, 22922, 27 mins, 1639, OK
## $status
## [1] "OK"

Both the distance and directions API allow you to specify the departure_time, so it’s possible to query the time & distance for a given time of day.

Address-based catchment basins

From Google’s API results we have the driving time to each of the rehab centres for the random addresses. So we can get the nearest rehab centre for each address and view them with mapdeck

df_directions1$rehab <- row.names(df_rehab)[1]
df_directions2$rehab <- row.names(df_rehab)[2]
df_directions3$rehab <- row.names(df_rehab)[3]

df_directions1$rehab_address <- df_rehab[1, "formatted_address"]
df_directions2$rehab_address <- df_rehab[2, "formatted_address"]
df_directions3$rehab_address <- df_rehab[3, "formatted_address"]

df_directions <- rbind(
  , df_directions2
  , df_directions3

df_nearest <- df_directions %>%
  dplyr::group_by(id) %>%
  dplyr::arrange(duration_m) %>%
  dplyr::slice(1) %>%

Here we see which rehab centre each address goes to

  style = mapdeck_style("light")
  , location = c(145.1, -37.9)
  , zoom = 10
) %>%
    data = df_rehab
    , lon = "lon", lat = "lat"
    , radius = 600
  ) %>%
    data = df_nearest
    , polyline = "polyline"
    , stroke_colour = "rehab"
    , legend = T
    , legend_options = list(css = "max-width: 300px")
    , update_view = F

This map shows the travel times to the nearest rehab centre

  style = mapdeck_style("light")
  , location = c(145.1, -37.9)
  , zoom = 10
) %>%
    data = df_rehab
    , lon = "lon", lat = "lat"
    , radius = 600
  ) %>%
    data = df_nearest
    , polyline = "polyline"
    , stroke_colour = "duration_m"
    , legend = T
    , legend_options = list(css = "max-width: 300px")
    , update_view = F

We can represent the times to the nearest rehab centre as hexagons, where the height and colour represents the travel time.

df_times <- rbind(
  , df_times2
  , df_times3

df_nearest_times <- df_times %>%
  dplyr::group_by(sample_row, sample_row_pt) %>%
  dplyr::arrange(time_remaining) %>%
  dplyr::slice(1) %>%

head( df_nearest_times )

mapdeck() %>%
    data = df_nearest_times
    , lon = "lng", lat = "lat"
    , elevation = "time_remaining"
    , elevation_function = "average"
    , colour = "time_remaining"
    , colour_function = "average"
    , elevation_scale = 10
    , radius = 250
    , colour_range = colourvalues::colour_values(1:6, palette = "plasma")
    , layer_id = "times1"

Estimate caseload per centre

postcodes <- df_nearest %>%
  dplyr::group_by(POSTCODE, rehab) %>%
  dplyr::summarise( n = n() )

knitr::kable( head( postcodes ) )
POSTCODE rehab n
3144 KingstonHospital 50
3145 KingstonHospital 50
3146 KingstonHospital 50
3147 DandenongHospital 8
3147 KingstonHospital 42
3148 DandenongHospital 9
postcodes %>%
  dplyr::group_by(rehab) %>%
  dplyr::summarise( total = sum(n)) %>%
  dplyr::mutate( percent = 100 * total / sum( total ))  %>%
  knitr::kable( digits = 2)
rehab total percent
CaseyHospital 528 18.86
DandenongHospital 867 30.96
KingstonHospital 1405 50.18
knitr::kable( df_incidence )
age incidence
0-4 0
15-24 5
25-34 30
35-44 44
45-54 111
55-64 299
65-74 747
75-84 1928
85+ 3976
s <- 1 / 100000 # rate per 100,000
basicDemographicsRehab <- basicDemographicsRehab %>%
    mutate (stroke_cases = s * ((Age_15_19_yr_P + Age_20_24_yr_P) * 5 +
            Age_25_34_yr_P * 30 +
            Age_35_44_yr_P * 44 +
            Age_45_54_yr_P * 111 +
            Age_55_64_yr_P * 299 +
            Age_65_74_yr_P * 747 +
            Age_75_84_yr_P * 1928 +
            Age_85ov_P * 3976)) %>%
    select (-c (contains ("_yr_"), contains ("85ov")))
basicDemographicsRehab <- rename (basicDemographicsRehab, POSTCODE = Postcode)

postcodes <- left_join (postcodes, basicDemographicsRehab, by = "POSTCODE")

postcodesamples <- postcodes %>%
  dplyr::group_by( POSTCODE ) %>%
  summarise( totalsamples = sum( n ) )

postcodes <- left_join( postcodes, postcodesamples, by = "POSTCODE")

postcodes %>%
    group_by (rehab) %>%
    summarise (total = sum (stroke_cases * n/totalsamples, na.rm = TRUE )) %>%
    mutate (percent = 100 * total / sum (total)) %>%
    knitr::kable (digits = c (2, 0))
rehab total percent
CaseyHospital 279 10.28
DandenongHospital 975 35.99
KingstonHospital 1456 53.73