Choropleths are a staple of geospatial visualization. The idea of this example is to introduced those basics in stroke context.
The example loads the data, estimates annual stroke incidence based on data from the NEMISIS study, performs a join, calculates some geospatial measures, filters postcodes based on distance to the hospital and displays the results.
postcodeboundariesAUS <- sf::read_sf(
basicDemographicsVIC <- readr::read_csv(
"2016 Census GCP Postal Areas for VIC",
## Join the demographics and shape tables, retaining victoria only
## use postcode boundaries as the reference data frame so that coordinate
## reference system is retained.
basicDemographicsVIC <- right_join(postcodeboundariesAUS, basicDemographicsVIC,
by=c("POA_CODE" = "POA_CODE_2016"))
## Location of hopsital providing acute stroke services
## address: 246 Clayton Rd, Clayton VIC, 3168
MMCLocation <- tmaptools::geocode_OSM("Monash Medical Centre, Clayton, Victoria, Australia", as.sf=TRUE)
#> Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 7 fields
#> geometry type: POINT
#> dimension: XY
#> bbox: xmin: 145.1207 ymin: -37.92093 xmax: 145.1207 ymax: -37.92093
#> epsg (SRID): 4326
#> proj4string: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
#> query lat lon
#> 1 Monash Medical Centre, Clayton, Victoria, Australia -37.92093 145.1207
#> lat_min lat_max lon_min lon_max geometry
#> 1 -37.92098 -37.92088 145.1207 145.1208 POINT (145.1207 -37.92093)
basicDemographicsVIC <- mutate(basicDemographicsVIC,
Age_0_24_yr_P = Age_0_4_yr_P + Age_5_14_yr_P +
Age_15_19_yr_P + Age_20_24_yr_P)
basicDemographicsVIC <- mutate(basicDemographicsVIC, stroke_count_estimate = (
Age_0_24_yr_P * 5 +
Age_25_34_yr_P * 30 +
Age_35_44_yr_P * 44 +
Age_45_54_yr_P * 111 +
Age_55_64_yr_P * 299 +
Age_65_74_yr_P * 747 +
Age_75_84_yr_P * 1928 +
Age_85ov_P * 3976) / 100000)
## Add some geospatial measures to the data frame
## Reproduce the existing area column as a demo.
basicDemographicsVIC <- mutate(basicDemographicsVIC,
PostcodeArea=units::set_units(st_area(geometry), km^2))
## Distance to MMC
basicDemographicsVIC <- sf::st_transform( basicDemographicsVIC, crs = sf::st_crs( MMCLocation ) )
basicDemographicsVIC <- mutate(basicDemographicsVIC,
DistanceToMMC=units::set_units(st_distance(geometry,MMCLocation)[,1], km))
## comments re auto-great-circle, straight line assumption,
## distance to polygon or polygon-centroid ...
## Make a small dataset for MMC surrounds.
basicDemographicsMMC <- filter(basicDemographicsVIC, DistanceToMMC < set_units(20, km))
#> tmap mode set to interactive viewing
MMCLocation <- mutate(MMCLocation, ID="Monash Medical Centre")
basicDemographicsMMC <- mutate(basicDemographicsMMC, Over65 = Age_65_74_yr_P + Age_75_84_yr_P + Age_85ov_P)
tm_shape(basicDemographicsMMC, name="Annual stroke counts") +
tm_polygons("stroke_count_estimate", id="POA_NAME", popup.vars=c("Cases"="stroke_count_estimate"), alpha=0.6) +
tm_shape(MMCLocation) + tm_markers() +