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Refactoring and updating the SWIG R module

Planning documents and updates on this R Infrastructure Steering Committee funded project


Developments in the master branch of swig have shifted priorities somewhat, with changes to the enumeration framework resulting in R code generated for the SimpleITK project failing to parse. The implementation phase of the project has thus addressed two problems:

  1. Enumeration framework - enabling support for complex enumeration structures using a similar strategy to other language modules.

  2. Refactoring of the accessor framework, which provides ability to read or components variables in structures or classes.


This part of the project is implemented in PR 1328


The R module attempts to perform some basic guesswork as to the integer values underlying the enumeration names. This approach becomes unreliable as soon as the typical compiler defaults are bypassed. Some recent developments have attempted to directly import the C code to R, which works for simple expressions, but results in syntactically incorrect R code in others.

SimpleITK uses initialization code like this:

enum PixelIDValueEnum {
  sitkUnknown = -1,
  sitkUInt8 = PixelIDToPixelIDValue< BasicPixelID<uint8_t> >::Result,   ///< Unsigned 8 bit integer
  sitkInt8 = PixelIDToPixelIDValue< BasicPixelID<int8_t> >::Result,     ///< Signed 8 bit integer
  sitkUInt16 = PixelIDToPixelIDValue< BasicPixelID<uint16_t> >::Result, ///< Unsigned 16 bit integer
  sitkInt16 = PixelIDToPixelIDValue< BasicPixelID<int16_t> >::Result,   ///< Signed 16 bit integer
  sitkUInt32 = PixelIDToPixelIDValue< BasicPixelID<uint32_t> >::Result, ///< Unsigned 32 bit integer
  sitkInt32 = PixelIDToPixelIDValue< BasicPixelID<int32_t> >::Result,   ///< Signed 32 bit integer
  sitkUInt64 = PixelIDToPixelIDValue< BasicPixelID<uint64_t> >::Result, ///< Unsigned 64 bit integer

which leads to syntactically incorrect R code.


The approach used by other swig language modules is to create accessors for C/C++ representions of the enumeration and use those to retrieve underlying the integer representations. This is the only reliable way, and requires run-time support rather than deducing the values at binding generation time.

Enumerations in R

R doesn’t have a native enumeration type. The swig module implements an enumeration framework using strings and special lookup functions. The lookup functions store a vector of values in a hidden environment for each enumeration. The type of each enumeration is recorded as an attribute for functions using it as an input or output, and this record is used access the correct environment as well as to support overloading of methods/functions.

The content of enumeration environments is initialised via calls to a defineEnumeration function.


There were some issues to overcome using this approach for the R module.

The most important issue is the requirement of defineEnumeration to access the shared library during package load time. The code generated by swig would typically be placed in a single file in the package/R folder and would include all necessary calls to defineEnumeration. This approach was acceptable when default values for integers underlying the enumerations were supplied at binding generation time. However the new approach requires calls to the compiled C/C++ code in order to determine the correct values. The library containing these calls is not available until the end of the package loading sequence, resulting in errors from defineEnumeration calls.

This issue has been avoided by using R promises inside defineEnumeration, so that calls to the shared library are not made until the enumeration is used.

The proposed implementation passes the SimpleITK tests.

Limitations and future work

The main issue to sort out relates to name mangling. The current R/swig module mangles namespaces into code at various points. These are not generally user visible names, and are mostly related to types used to support dispatching and internal S4 class IDs. I am awaiting feedback from the head swig maintainer before attempting to address this issue further.

The main problem appears to be that some languages supported by swig have their own notion of namespaces that can be sensibly be used to approximate C++ namespaces, and the binding generation should be aware of it. R doesn’t have this, and the use of namespaces in the various type tags offers a level of saftey that I think is worthwhile.


This part of the project is implemented in PR 1268


The accessor framework creates functions to set or retrieve values for variables defined in a namespace or contained in a class or structure. For example, code like:

// bool variables
bool bool1 = true;

leads to R functions, bool1_set and bool1_get, as well as C functions R_swig_bool1_set and R_swig_bool1_get.

The R module used logic based around the names of accessor functions to create the necessary binding code. There were bugs in that code and, more seriously, the logic lead to problems if there were already functions with names matching the patterns being tested for. For example, library functions ending in _set would not get bound correctly because they were interpreted as swig generated wrappers.

This section of the code has been rewritten to use information in the swig parse tree, which includes flags indicating whether a function is a “memberset” or “memberget” type (i.e autogenerated by swig).

The resulting code is longer, but deals correctly with many previous problem cases.

There were also some refactoring to use services provided by the core swig infrastructure, such as registration of appropriate wrapper names, rather than replacing later and use of built in calls to return names of accessors.


There has proved to be less need for increased documentation than expected, as the project has evolved into a combination of essential bug fixes as well as refactoring. The content of the PRs, issues and this document will form the basis of documentation for enumeration framework as soon as maintainers have approved the PR.