import folium
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import osmnx as ox
import pandas as pd
# 2016 demographic data by postcode
path_demographic_data = '../../ABSData/2016 Census GCP Postal Areas for VIC/2016Census_G01_VIC_POA.csv'
postcode_demographics = pd.read_csv(path_demographic_data)
(698, 109)
# postcode boundaries shapefile
path_postcode_boundaries = '../../ABSData/Boundaries/POA_2016_AUST.shp'
postcode_boundaries = gpd.read_file(path_postcode_boundaries)
(2670, 5)
# geocode MMC to lat-lng
mmc_latlng = ox.geocode('Monash Medical Centre, Clayton, Victoria, Australia')
gdf = pd.merge(left=postcode_boundaries, right=postcode_demographics,
how='right', left_on='POA_CODE', right_on='POA_CODE_2016')
(698, 114)
Combined male/female incidence per 100,000 persons:
Age Incidence
0-14 0
15-24 5
25-34 30
35-44 44
45-54 111
55-64 299
65-74 747
75-84 1928
85+ 3976
# count persons between 0 and 24 years of age
cols = ['Age_0_4_yr_P', 'Age_5_14_yr_P', 'Age_15_19_yr_P', 'Age_20_24_yr_P']
gdf['Age_0_24_yr_P'] = gdf[cols].sum(axis=1)
# estimate the stroke count, stratified by age
strokes = gdf['Age_0_24_yr_P'] * 5 / 100000
strokes += gdf['Age_25_34_yr_P'] * 30 / 100000
strokes += gdf['Age_35_44_yr_P'] * 44 / 100000
strokes += gdf['Age_45_54_yr_P'] * 111 / 100000
strokes += gdf['Age_55_64_yr_P'] * 299 / 100000
strokes += gdf['Age_65_74_yr_P'] * 747 / 100000
strokes += gdf['Age_75_84_yr_P'] * 1928 / 100000
strokes += gdf['Age_85ov_P'] * 3976 / 100000
gdf['strokes'] = strokes.round(2)
# save estimated strokes per postcode to disk as csv
gdf[['POA_CODE', 'strokes']].to_csv('data/postcode_strokes.csv', index=False, encoding='utf-8')
# use a projected geometry so that the centroid calculation
# is correct, then project back.
gdf1 = gdf.to_crs('epsg:3112')
postcodecentroid = gdf1['geometry'].centroid
postcodecentroid = gdfcentroid.to_crs(ox.settings.default_crs)
mmc_lng = mmc_latlng[1]
mmc_lat = mmc_latlng[0]
# calculate great-circle distance from each postcode to MMC, in km
gdf['distance_to_mmc'] = ox.distance.great_circle_vec(postcodecentroid.y, postcodecentroid.x, mmc_lat, mmc_lng) / 1000
# plot distance as a choropleth
ax = gdf.plot(column='distance_to_mmc', cmap='viridis_r')
# subset only those postcodes within 20km of MMC
gdf_nearby = gdf[gdf['distance_to_mmc'] < 20]
ax = gdf_nearby.plot(column='distance_to_mmc', cmap='YlOrRd')
# create leaflet web map
m = folium.Map(location=mmc_latlng, zoom_start=11, tiles='cartodbpositron')
# drop a pin at MMC's location
folium.Marker(mmc_latlng, tooltip='Monash Medical Centre').add_to(m)
# add data as choropleth
bins = list(gdf_nearby['strokes'].quantile([0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1]))
c = folium.Choropleth(gdf_nearby, data=gdf_nearby, bins=bins,
columns=['POA_CODE', 'strokes'],
#highlight=True, fill_color='YlOrRd',
#change color tored yellow blue
highlight=True, fill_color='RdYlBu',
icon= folium.Icon(color='blue'),
legend_name='Number of strokes').add_to(m)
# add mouseover tooltip to the postcodes
c.geojson.add_child(folium.features.GeoJsonTooltip(['POA_CODE', 'strokes']))
# save web map to disk'webmap/mmc.html')
# display web map inline